The Good Walk – Walk to Help Womxn Menstruate Sustainably

With The Good Walk, by walking as less as 2 kilometres, and registering with us, you can help create a lasting impact and be part of a global conversation on menstrual health, gender equality, and empowerment of womxn from the marginalized communities.

The International Women’s Day has been celebrated for over a Century since it’s official marking in 1911. The day of 8th of March, every year, has been a symbol of equality, justice, and hope for billions of Women around the globe.

As with most important days, the UN has come up with a theme for the 2021 International Women’s Day.

“Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”

The goal of this year’s theme is to highlight the impact that girls and women worldwide have had as health care workers, caregivers, innovators and community organizers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In India too, there are many such frontline workers who have helped keep things running smoothly despite the lockdown and other hurdles that COVID-19 brought upon us. Moreover, it is the people from lower-income communities that actually held the line for us all to be able to keep living as comfortably as possible.

Women empowerment and feminism is a theme close to Badlaav’s heart, and this year for the International Women’s Day, we are partnering together with Good Universe, and NGO that focuses on issues such as gender-based violence, gender and climate change, mental health, and well-being. For many women and menstruators, who we are going to refer to as “Womxn” from here onwards, menstrual health and hygiene is not just about having the time and information about it, but also about being able to afford it comfortably. If you are wondering why “Womxn” and not just plain and simple woman, please read to the end of the article, the explanation is hidden somewhere within this article.

All over the developing world and (by extension) India, many women still use old clothes and rags to manage their menstruation. Even those who buy Sanitary Napkins, tend to use it for extended periods of time, in order to make the most out of the money they spent buying it. Menstrual products, which you and I (me who is writing this and you who are reading it), might seem like a basic item that we buy every month either for ourselves or our loved ones, without giving a second thought to how much we pay for it, or how much use I can “procure” or “wasool” out of this product for our expenses; can, in fact, be a luxury for many menstruators.

Therefore, in our endeavour to make safe and hygienic menstruation accessible and affordable to all womxn, we are partnering with Good Universe on an Initiative:

The Good Walk – Ek Kadam, Ek Pahal

The Good Walk – Ek Kadam, Ek Pahal, is an initiative to encourage people to perform a simple activity which is good for their mental and physical health – Walk. While at the same time, generate funds to help 5000 womxn receive easier access to menstrual hygiene products. The objective of organizing this event is, as Good Universe puts it, twofold –

  1. to emphasize on health and wellness during COVID
  2. to directly impact 5000 womxn from marginalized communities by distributing them menstrual products

Our choice of menstrual products to be distributed are those which the womxn can use and reuse hygienically for multiple years to come. We do not want to gift them menstrual products that are made of plastic, have chemicals in them that can be toxic, and adds to our ever-increasing waste issue. Therefore, we will be distributing “Cloth Pads” and “Menstrual cups” which are hygienic, safe to reuse, do not contain chemicals that can cause toxic reactions, and are going to help these women for multiple years to follow.

For a clearer picture, let us list out the impact that you would be creating by participating in The Good Walk –

  • Help 5000 marginalized Indian womxn menstruate safely and sustainably
  • Divert 12,00,000 pads (approx. 2500 – 4000 kgs of waste) from going to landfills
  • Enable womxn to learn about menstrual products and make informed decisions
  • Create conversations around sustainable menstruation at the national level
  • Break the stigma associated to Menstruation and focus on menstrual health

How far do I need to walk? And where?

Good that you asked, let’s get right into it. Good Walk is a virtual walk, and we are expecting participants from several major cities of India to join us. With no geographic or physical barriers, people from any part of the world can support us and show their solidarity by participating in the walk. We have multiple options to choose from, depending on your love of walking and your wish to support us –

  1. The 2 KM Walk – By walking just 2 kilometres, you will be supporting a woman from a marginalised community receive sustainable menstrual products which will help her manage her menstrual health for at least a year. The donations for the 2 KM walk is set at 199. That’s not all, you also receive a Digital badge and certificate as a token of your support and our gratitude.
  2. The 5 KM Walk – If you are a walking intermediate, and want to support us more, then by walking 5 kilometres, you will be supporting womxn from a marginalized community receive sustainable menstrual products which will help them manage their menstrual health for at least a year. The donations for the 5 KM walk is set at 299. As a token of your support and our gratitude, you receive a Physical badge and certificate, which will be couriered to your address.
  3. The 10 KM Walk – If you are a walking expert, and believe very strongly in our cause, then you can walk 10 KM and show your unwavering solidarity. The donations for the 10 KM walk is set at 599. To display as a proof of your solidarity, and our gratefulness for your support, Physical badges, certificate and Mask, sipper would be couriered to your address.

How to take part in the Good Walk?

It is as simple as it gets.

STEP 1: Register for the walk on through The Good Walk webpage or the links given above. STEP 2: Walk any time, any day during 1st March to 7th march
STEP 3: Track the walk through an app of your choice & share it on your social media with the hashtag #goodwalk or WhatsApp a screenshot of your tracked walk to +91 7995180851
STEP 4: Get your certificate, medal at your doorsteps
STEP 5: Create impact by helping 5,000 womxn

Why womxn though? In recent years, Feminism and even the term “Woman” has come to evolve, with the inclusion of non-cis-gendered individuals. We are learning with each passing day that the struggles of a Woman are not just limited to cis-women but include a variety of people with non-binary gender identities. Whilst the etymology of the word woman, itself isn’t a great sign of equality between men and women, it especially neglects other gender identities who also menstruate and have similar struggles as those of the traditional “women”.

By walking to your nearest Starbucks (general assumption here being that the Starbucks is at least 2 kilometres away) and registering with us, you can help create a lasting impact and be part of a global conversation on menstrual health, gender equality, and empowerment of womxn from the marginalized communities.

At a time of your choosing, between 1st and 14th of March, 2021, you can walk with us and help us help up to 5000 womxn gain access to safe, hygienic, and sustainable menstruation.

Badlaav SRF
Badlaav SRF
Articles: 9