Every month, we publish a newsletter highlighting our work and impact. The newsletter features a snapshot of Badlaav SRF’s achievements, including our latest initiatives, events and stories of change brought about by our interventions. Through the newsletters, Badlaav aims to keep its stakeholders well-informed about its ongoing activities and progress over time. Readers can expect to learn about new partnerships, collaborations, and the ways in which Badlaav is empowering communities by providing access to education, proper menstrual hygiene management options and community mobilisation.
In addition to providing meaningful updates, the newsletter also serves as a platform to celebrate the successes of the organisation and its supporters, who work tirelessly to create a positive change in society. We hope that our newsletters will serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement to others who seek to make a difference in the society.
Below you can go through all of Badlaav’s published newsletters in descending order: