Our Journey with TaRa AtmaNirbhar Grant: Strengthening Badlaav SRF

As a non-profit NGO working at the intersection of women empowerment and sustainable practices, it is Badlaav’s mission to continue growing and strengthening our foundation in the dynamic world of social impact. Crucial as the work we do on the ground is, it is just as important to make sure we are focusing on sustainability and growth of our organization.

In our pursuit of continuous growth, Badlaav Social Reform Foundation was fortunate to be selected as one of the seven organizations for the 2024 Cohort of the TaRa AtmaNirbhar Grant–an opportunity that has truly strengthened our organization from within. The grant is an initiative of Tarachand Ramnath Seva Trust (The TaRa Trust) and TBL in collaboration with Atma Education, an accelerator that focuses on improving the strength, scale and sustainability of NGOs.

Unlike traditional capacity-building programs that often require organizations to cover the costs, this grant was unique. It not only provided us with structured capacity-building support but also awarded an unrestricted grant of INR 2.5 lakhs. This allowed us to invest in the most critical areas of our growth, making the experience even more impactful.

A Transformative Six Months

The first six months of the program were intensive, focused on three key projects tailored to our organizational needs:

  1. Logic Model
  2. Organizational Budget
  3. Fundraising Strategy

Strengthening Our Logic Model

We kicked off with refining our logic model, a crucial framework that outlines our impact journey. Although we already had a logic model and theory of change in place, the workshops and one-on-one mentoring sessions with our consultant, Vaishali, helped us refine and strengthen it. Her guidance throughout the year ensured we had a clearer and more structured approach to defining our outcomes and long-term impact.

Our Project Assistant Namita summarizes the experience: The Logic Model exercise that we did for Project SAKSHAM has helped us in doing micro planning of the projects and it also ensures that everything that contributes towards the successful implementation of the project is taken into consideration. This activity was done by our Community Mobilizers for the Community Mobilization Model and it was great to see our CMs come up with various unique ideas and suggestions. 

Nilam, our other on-ground Project Assistant explains that “the Atma Capacity Building Grant Programme has been an enriching experience. One of the highlights for me was the exceptional coordination by Vaishali Ma’am. Her ability to manage and organize the event seamlessly was truly commendable. The way she engaged with everyone and ensured smooth execution made the entire program even more valuable.”

Through this event, I gained significant insights, especially in understanding the Logic Model. Learning about short-term, mid-term and long-term programs has given me a clearer perspective on structuring and planning projects effectively. This framework will undoubtedly be useful in future initiatives.

Understanding the True Cost of Our Work

The second project focused on our organizational budget. One of our biggest takeaways was understanding the true cost of our projects and operations. Often in the social sector, we tend to minimize budgets in an attempt to secure funding, but this exercise gave us the confidence to pitch the actual costs needed to sustain and scale our work.

Expanding Our Fundraising Pipeline

Our final core project revolved around fundraising strategy. We analyzed our existing funding sources and identified untapped and unexplored areas that could help us diversify our donor base. This process not only provided us with a roadmap for future fundraising but also helped us build a more sustainable financial strategy.

Nilam says that the programme helped her gain a better understanding of fundraising concepts – “The sessions provided clarity on various strategies and approaches to secure funding, which will be instrumental in sustaining and expanding impactful projects.”

For Namita, the fundraising strategy session gave her “a confidence to try out something new in this regard and that resulted in Badlaav’s active participation in exhibitions to showcase our work.”

Learning Beyond the Core Projects

Although not a part of our selected projects, one of the most insightful workshops was on marketing and communications. “As a grassroots organization”, our Director Radhika remarks, “we realized the importance of brand-building and storytelling in the social sector. The sessions helped us understand how effective communication can enhance our reach and engagement with donors, partners, and beneficiaries.”

Additionally, we received a collection of templates and tools to streamline our processes and structures. While it felt overwhelming initially, these resources have played a crucial role in making our operations more organized and efficient.

Growing Together: The Power of Peer Learning

One of the most enriching aspects of the grant was the peer connect sessions. These allowed us to engage with other organizations in the cohort, exchange insights, and share experiences. Learning from each other’s challenges and successes created a supportive ecosystem where we could grow collectively.

Graduation Ceremony and Pitching Our Work

As the program concluded, we had a graduation ceremony, where we had the opportunity to pitch our work to an engaged audience. Attendees were encouraged to commit donations to the organizations and initiatives they wished to support. Additionally, we set up a stall to showcase our impact, engage with potential donors, and build meaningful connections for future collaborations. This stall was managed by our community mobilisers who shared their on-ground experience with the audience who was curious to understand the acceptability of sustainable period products in slum communities –  and they were also equally surprised to know that there is in fact a strong acceptability and women and girls are opting for menstrual cups and cloth pads as sustainable alternatives.

Moving Forward

Looking back, the Tara AtmaNirbhar Grant has been a game-changer for Badlaav SRF. It has given us the structure, knowledge, and financial support to enhance our impact and sustain our growth. We are immensely grateful to the Tarachand Ramnath Trust, TBL and Atma for this transformative opportunity and look forward to applying these learnings as we continue our journey of driving meaningful social change.

Tanvi, our Communications Co-ordinator sums up the experience beautifully: “As the name suggests, the Tara AtmaNirbhar grant helped us get a few steps closer to being ‘atmanirbhar’ – self-reliant. Through the course of the year, we were made to revisit our organisational structures and processes and with TANG’s brilliant mentorship, we were guided to mould these into more efficient and sustainable models of working. This experience was a great learning curve for us as individuals and as a team, and with this well thought out, more robust foundation, Badlaav SRF now finds itself to be more confident in what it offers to the world.”

For NGOs looking to strengthen their foundations, programs like this serve as a reminder that investing in internal capacity is just as important as direct program implementation.

Growth isn’t just about expansion—it’s about building resilience, efficiency, and long-term sustainability.

Badlaav SRF
Badlaav SRF
Articles: 9